Giornate contro Frontex dal 15 al 18 aprile 2016 a Catania - NoFrontex Days from April 15-18 in Sicily BASTA MORTI NEL MEDITERRANEO - STOP DEATHS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN!

Friday, 26 February 2016

16th and 17th April 2016 - Call for a EuroMediterranean mobilization on the first anniversary of the sinking of 18th April 2015

EuroMediterranean mobilization on the first anniversary of the sinking
of April 18th, 2015

Against Fortress Europe for the demilitarization of Sicily!
No Frontex, No to War, No to racism!



Agency Frontex’s activities are becoming more and more visible not only at sea but also in Sicily. The decision to open 5 so-called "hotspots" (with a "mobile" one in Catania) in our island together with the decisions taken in Malta in November 2015 pursue the horrible aim of dividing 'economic migrants' from asylum seekers. Negotiating with the worst and the most corrupted regimes in Africa and in the Middle East, European governments would like to repatriate 400,000 "irregular migrants." At the same time the EU orders the Italian Government to use force to take migrants’ fingerprints , obtusely applying the odious Dublin Regulation.

Saturday, 13 February 2016

Invito per il primo anniversario del naufragio del 18 aprile 2015 - Giornate NoFrontex - Per una mobilitazione nel Mediterraneo!

Invito Forum Antirazzista Palermo - programma in definizione
“Come può stupirsi l’Europa delle tragedie in mare se le ambasciate rifiutano i visti al nostro popolo e costringono i paesi del Maghreb ad inseguirci? La nostra unica possibilità è il mare e i “trafficanti” diventano la nostra speranza se dobbiamo fuggire in altri paesi” (rifugiato maliano). Sono stati 184 i maliani tra le più di 800 persone che sono annegate nella notte tra il 18 ed il 19 APRILE 2015 nel loro viaggio dalla Libia verso l'Italia.

Call out for the first anniversary of the capsizing of 18 April 2015

NoFrontex” days of action
For a Mediterranean mobilization!
Call out from the Palermo Antiracist Forum

“How can Europe be shocked at the tragedy at sea, when embassies refuse our people visas and force the countries of North Africa to chase us down? Our only possibility is the sea and the “traffickers” become our only hope for fleeing to other countries.” (Malian refugee). There were 184 Malians among more than 800 people who drowned on the night between the 18th and 19th of April 2015 in their journey from Libya to Italy.

There were at least 3,771 deaths at sea in 2015 alone. Faced with this recurring tragedy, the EU grants ever more power and money to Frontex and projects like Triton. But Frontex is an agency for border control, built on the militarization of Europe's internal and external borders. Its mandate is to protect these borders, not to save human life.

Appel à une mobilisation méditerranéenne pour le premier anniversaire du naufrage du 18 Avril 2015 !

Invitation du Forum Antiraciste de Palerme

Comment l’Europe peut s’étonner des tragédies en Mer si ses ambassades rejettent les visas à notre peuple et forcent aux pays du Maghreb à nous poursuivre. La mer demeure notre seule possibilité et les ‘trafiquants’ deviennent notre seul espoir quand on est forcé à quitter nos pays

 (Refugié malien)

Parmi les 800 personnes qui ont péri noyées le soir du 18 au 19 avril 2015 pendant leur voyage de la Libye à l’Italie, 184 étaient maliens. On compte en 2015 au moins 3.771 migrants ayant perdu leurs vies dans la Méditerranée. Malgré ces tragédies, l’Union Européenne continue à donner de plus en plus de pouvoir à l’agence FRONTEX et aux missions comme TRITON. Mais Frontex est surtout une agence de contrôle frontalier basé sur la militarisation des frontières internes et externes de l’Europe dont le principal but est la défense du territoire et non la sauvegarde des vies humaines.

Friday, 12 February 2016

Newspaper: Ferries for All

For the Freedom of Movement and Equal Rights for All!
Campaign Newspaper from the transnational Project Alarmphone
The slogan “Ferries not Frontex”1 emerged in the days following the 18th of April 2015. More than 800 men, women and children drowned that day in the Central Mediterranean Sea. Only one week earlier, about 400 people had lost their lives in a similar ‘tragedy’. A tragedy? No! It could have been anticipated. The mass dying was a direct and foreseeable consequence of the EU border regime. And the dying continues. This border regime has a clear symbol: Frontex, the EU’s border agency. read more/continua...

Saturday, 6 February 2016

Appel à une mobilisation méditerranéenne pour le premier anniversaire du naufrage du 18 Avril 2015 !

Invitation du Forum Antiracist du Palerme

Comment l’Europe peut s’étonner des tragédies en Mer si ses ambassades rejettent les visas à notre peuple et forcent aux pays du Maghreb à nous poursuivre. La mer demeure notre seule possibilité et les ‘trafiquants’ deviennent notre seul espoir quand on est forcé à quitter nos pays
 (Refugié malien)
Parmi les 800 personnes qui ont péri noyées le soir du 18 au 19 avril 2015 pendant leur voyage de la Libye à l’Italie, 184 étaient maliens. On compte en 2015 au moins 3.771 migrants ayant perdu leurs vies dans la Méditerranée. Malgré ces tragédies, l’Union Européenne continue à donner de plus en plus de pouvoir à l’agence FRONTEX et aux missions comme TRITON. Mais Frontex est surtout une agence de contrôle frontalier basé sur la militarisation des frontières internes et externes de l’Europe dont le principal but est la défense du territoire et non la sauvegarde des vies humaines.