Giornate contro Frontex dal 15 al 18 aprile 2016 a Catania - NoFrontex Days from April 15-18 in Sicily BASTA MORTI NEL MEDITERRANEO - STOP DEATHS IN THE MEDITERRANEAN!

18/19 april(e) 2015

Terre des Hommes accanto al Labanof per dare un nome alle vittime del mare, 19.03.2016

Terre des Hommes will help the Labanof Institute in Milan to identify the victims of the  18th April 2015 and the 3rd and 11th October 2015.

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Terre des Hommes accanto al Labanof per dare un nome alle vittime del mare
Nei prossimi giorni verrà recuperato il relitto dell'imbarcazione naufragata il 18 aprile 2015 dove sono incastrati circa 400 corpi. Dare un nome a questi morti è importante, non solo da un punto di vista etico, ma anche per facilitare il ricongiungimento dei bambini sopravvissuti con i parenti ancora in vita. read more/continua..

The following report, produced by Forensic Oceanography – a research team based within the Forensic Architecture agency at Goldsmiths (University of London) that specialises in the use of forensic techniques and cartography to reconstruct cases of deaths at sea – in collaboration with WatchTheMed and in the framework of the Economic and Social Research Council (ESRC)-supported “Precarious Trajectories” research project, seeks to understand the conditions that made these events possible. It relies on new findings generated through extensive interviews with state officials and migrants, newly accessed operational documents, statistical data and technical evidence such as Automatic Identification System (AIS) vessel tracking data. This material has been analysed in collaboration with experts in the relevant fields of Geographic Information Systems (GIS), oceanography, EU policy, international law and migration studies. read more/continua

Foreword by Barbara Spinelli, Member of the European Parliament (European United Left/Nordic Green Left Parliamentary Group)
2016 will be remembered as the year in which the European Union definitively broke the civilisation pact on which it was founded after the Second World War. For years, after the great Lampedusa shipwreck on 3 October 2013, the EU has tacitly allowed the deaths at sea of thousands of refugees fleeing towards the European coasts, having been unable to guarantee safe and legal access routes to the Union. This year, in 2016, The EU has taken a further step towards barbarity: not only has it closed its internal borders by dismantling the Schengen area, but it has consciously decided to send refugees back to the war zones from which they had previously fled, and from which they are still escaping. The agreement with Turkey signed on 20 March 2016, which enables the mass deportation of refugees who manage to reach Greece, cannot be interpreted in any other way. Thousands of these returnees are sent back by the Erdogan regime to the Syrian war zones from which they had initially escaped: a deportation that violates national, European and international laws. The dirty work is entrusted to its Turkish ally, but it is Europe itself that takes the responsibility for this collective refoulement, bringing about the deadly triangulation of forced returns. read more/continua...


The week commencing 12 April 2015 saw what is believed to be the largest loss of life at sea in the recent history of the Mediterranean. On 12 April, 400 people died when an overcrowded boat capsized due to its passengers’ excitement at the sight of platform supply vessels approaching to rescue them. Less than a week later, on 18 April, a similar incident took an even greater toll in human lives, leading the deadliest single shipwreck recorded by the United Nations’ High Commissioner for Refugees (UNHCR) in the Mediterranean.   Over 800 people are believed to have died when a migrants’ vessel sank after a mis-manoeuvre led it to collide with a cargo ship that had approached to rescue its passengers. More than 1,200 lives were thus lost in a single week. As Médecins Sans Frontiers (MSF) commented at the time, these figures eerily resemble those of a war zone.  read more/continua...


18th April 2015: Now the Italian Navy plans to get back the whole ship's wreck, with the remaining bodies. These bodies are those that were in the hold. They should be around 300/400. DNA tests will be made in order to identify the corps and  return them to their relatives. The operation is foreseen for end of April, beginning of May, and will be done "at any costs, using remote control system". said admiral De Giorgi. See here/vedi qui: Strage del 18 aprile. "Recupereremo la nave con tutti i corpi"

Italy universities lend forensics experts to identify migrant dead, 01/04/2016
Forensics experts from universities across Italy will help identify hundreds of victims of a 2015 shipwreck, the interior ministry said Friday, as the navy prepared to recover their bodies from the bottom of the Mediterranean.
Over 700 people drowned last April when their boat sank after a collision at sea during the crossing from north Africa. The navy has so far recovered 169 bodies from near the wreck, which lies 380 metres (around 1,245 feet) down off Libya.
The recovery of the ship -- and the majority of the bodies, still trapped inside -- is expected late next month. Italy's missing person prefect Vittorio Piscitelli has been overseeing a project to catalogue the victims' DNA and other distinguishing features in a database to help relatives track down their missing loved ones. Now the herculean task of identifying the dead will be given a major boost by an agreement signed with the interior and education ministries, which has already seen over 20 universities pledge their support and assets. Read more

«In mare niente muri, salviamo vite. E diamo un nome a ogni disperso» , 10.03.2016
Corriere della sera  - Il capo di stato maggiore della Marina Militare: «Il 18 aprile 2015 un peschereccio è affondato nel Canale di Sicilia con 3-400 migranti nella stiva. Il premier Renzi ci ha chiesto di recuperare il relitto e noi lo faremo»
di Elisabetta Rosaspina
ROMA «Non esistono muri in mare, per chi chiede aiuto». L’Europa può decidere di sbriciolarsi, barricarsi, disseminare i suoi confini terrestri di filo spinato, per cercare di fermare i profughi, ma in mare vige un’altra legge. Un imperativo morale: «Io non lascio indietro nessuno, neppure un cane» assicura il Capo di Stato Maggiore della Marina Militare italiana, ammiraglio Giuseppe De Giorgi. Che parla fuori di metafora, perché, quando diresse per 72 ore consecutive, alla fine del 2014, le operazioni di salvataggio dei 400 passeggeri del traghetto Norman Atlantic, in fiamme nel canale di Sicilia, mantenne gli elicotteri in verticale sulla nave, nonostante il fumo e le fiamme, finché non furono evacuati dal ponte anche gli ultimi esseri viventi: tre cani. E proprio a uno di loro, il più grosso, l’ammiraglio e la coautrice Daniela Morelli hanno dato voce nel loro libro «S.O.S Uomo in mare» (Giunti Editore) per descrivere quelle notti e quei giorni di paura a bordo del traghetto sempre più rovente, sempre più inclinato, nel mare grosso. La figura peggiore è quella degli umani che litigano per accaparrarsi i primi giubbotti di salvataggio.
«Quando c’è pericolo, molti perdono i freni inibitori. Per questo ordinai subito di calare a bordo un team di soccorritori che ristabilisse l’ordine. C’erano giubbotti per tutti. Pure per i cani». (...)

Abbiamo già recuperato 169 salme dal fondo del mare, altre 52 le avevamo ritrovate nell’immediato. Ora ci prepariamo a riportarle in superficie tutte. Per tutte è previsto l’analisi del Dna, a tutte deve essere data la possibilità di essere identificate e restituite alle famiglie.
Dopo più di un anno in mare?
«A 375 metri di profondità, il buio, il freddo, la pressione dell’acqua e la scarsità di fauna contribuiscono alla conservazione dei corpi. Il presidente del Consiglio, Renzi, ci ha dato l’incarico di recuperarli tutti. E lo faremo, a qualunque costo, con robot e sistemi pilotati a distanza». continua/read more...

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